


/Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration Live Cohorts

Oracle to PostgreSQL Migration Live Cohorts

Deepak Mahto - The Database Guy

11 modules


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In Cohort our core agenda is to enable folks to understand complexity in migration, understand different phases in actions and will share my personal experience of migrating plethora of customers out of Oracle to PostgreSQL compatible offerings like RDS, Amazon Aurora , Cloud SQL and AlloyDB.


Database migration is a multi-stage process and involves a different skill set from DBA to Developer.

Database migration to any cloud or platform is a niche skill and needs experienced professionals to drive larger scale migration for enterprise customers that involve near real time migration with minimal downtime, efficient code conversion from  oracle dialect to postgresql compatible one, data migration planning and achieving similar performance as current stack post migration.


In Cohort our core agenda is to enable folks to understand complexity in migration, understand different phases in actions and will share my personal experience of migrating plethora of customers out of Oracle to PostgreSQL compatible offerings like RDS, Amazon Aurora , Cloud SQL and AlloyDB.


Cohort is designed to be shared as hands on that we will perform on a Mock Schema that include intentional code complexity.


What we will learn.

  1. Oracle Anomalies that no one will talk about in the assessment phase.
  2. Schema Conversion complexity and some gotchas.
  3. How to efficiently plan Code Conversion for customers migrating away from Oracle.
  4. Key difference between Oracle and PostgreSQL SQL and Procedural Block.
  5. Code Conversion steps and sanity how to automate.
  6. Data type mapping between Oracle and PostgreSQL.
  7. Efficient Data Migration planning and how to handle large tables with or without partitions.
  8. How to perform validation during and post migrations.
  9. Post migration activities that involves production ready instance, Monitoring and

Intended Audience.

With minimum 3 years of experience with any databases in Development, DBA or as Data Engineer.

Folks who are interested in understanding overall migrations and develop a niche on how to conduct end to end migrations.


Total Duration - 20 Hours.

20 Hours ,1 hour each day.

4 days in a week, Total 5 Weeks.

Please contact for more information
Mobile :- +91 8169415723

What you will learn

Schema and Code Migration-Best Practise

Oracle Anomalies that no one will talk about in the assessment phase. Schema Conversion complexity and some gotchas. How to efficiently plan Code Conversion for customers migrating away from Oracle.

Perform Code Coversion checks

Code Conversion steps and sanity how to automate. Data type mapping between Oracle and PostgreSQL.

Data Migration Considerations.

Efficient Data Migration planning and how to handle large tables with or without partitions.

Day 1 Operation

Handles Day 1 operation from monitoring, security , audit and performance investigations.


Oracle - PostgreSQL Migration Introduction.

2 attachments


Oracle - PostgreSQL Migration - Persona

Database Migration - Persona


Intro - Day 1 - PostgreSQL Internals - MVCC, Vacuum and Process Architecture.

2 attachments • 1 hrs


Day 2 - Setting up PostgreSQL on Cloud, PostgreSQL Files and DB objects structure.

Intro - Day 1 - PostgreSQL Internals - MVCC, Vacuum and Process Architecture.

PostgreSQL and it's Internals

6 attachments • 1 hrs

Introduction - Setting up PG on Cloud and Clients Connection

Understand default databases, schema , Users and Toast.

Uncover PostgreSQL Process, MVCC and Vacuum Overview

Understand PostgreSQL Extension Ecosystem and its importance.

PostgreSQL Toast Overview

Oracle PostgreSQL Cohorts - Extensions - Day1 - pg_stat_statements - pgbench

How to Perform Oracle Assessment and Schema Conversion Gotchas

12 attachments • 4 hrs

Installing External Extensions and Key Differences between Oracle vs PostgreSQL

Oracle PostgreSQL Cohorts - Assessment - Ora2pg Assessment

AWS Schema Conversion Tool Setup and running assessment.


How to perform Oracle Assessment and different Tools

Understand Data Type Mapping and uncover Partitions compatibility

Perform Schema Conversion and learn its critical gotchas

AWS SCT vs Ora2pg - Settings and Best Practices

Oracle PostgreSQL Cohorts AWS SCT Schema Conversion - DDL

Schema Conversion Gotchas - Function based indexes, Partitioning , Functions Volatility.

Ora2pg Conversion Sample Github - Repo

Oracle PostgreSQL Cohorts - User/Schema Mapping and Deployment

Understand Pl\pgSQL, and its Internals in PostgreSQL

4 attachments • 1 mins

Procedural Code internal comparision - PLSQL vs PL\pgSQL

Code Conversion - Tools Settings and Extensions

Perform Code Conversion Planning - Why, How?

Pl\pgSQL Advanced Concepts

How to perform Oracle PL\SQL to PostgreSQL Conversion

4 attachments

Pl\SQL Migration Gotcha - Day 1

Pl\SQL Migration Gotcha - Day 2

Code Sanity - How to Perform Testing

Curated Code Conversion Best Practises - Tips and Tricks

How to perform Data Migrations from Oracle to PostgreSQL and Validation

4 attachments

Data Migration Planning and Considerations

Optimise Data Migration and how to Distributes Tables in Mig Jobs

How to Large Table with and without partions, with LOB and Non Primary Key

How to Perform Data Validation and Tools Available.

PostgreSQL Production Readiness, Day 0 , Day 1 Operations and Performance

4 attachments

Setting up Monitoring , Security and Auditing

Performance Considerations and how to analyze Plan SQL in PostgreSQL.

Set up pgBouncer, HAProxy and Scale Reads

Cutover and Production Readiness Checklists

Perform End to End Migration - Oracle to PostgreSQL.

Understand default databases, schema , Users - Day 2 - Quiz

Schema Conversion - Number Data Type Mapping.


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Can I interact with the instructor during the course?

Absolutely! we are committed to providing an engaging and interactive learning experience. You will have opportunities to interact with them through our community. Take full advantage to enhance your understanding and gain insights directly from the expert.

About the creator

About the creator

Deepak Mahto - The Database Guy

Elevate your learning experience with Deepak Mahto, a passionate expert in Databases and hold rich experience working with Top Cloud Providers (Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud).
Facilitated Complex migrations and has 15 years of enriching professional Career working with database.

Posted >100 blogs on Databases, and shared learning across.


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